Photo Album
Mt Hebron in 1986
Tracey(Burchell)Kuhns, Laura Brown, Lisa(Clark)Young
Joe Holland & Michelle Dixon in Ocean City July 2010 (still looking for our prom pic)
Mark Bair, Steve Ellis, Mike Miller, Kurt Hauf
Karen(Gerwig)Stewart, Tracey(Burchell)Kuhns, Lisa(Clark)Young
Viking Girls (Re)UNITE! Tracey, Lisa & Michele - Friends Forever! Tracey(Burchell)Kuhns, Lisa(Clark)Young, Michele Blum (Ravena Blumara)
Tracey(Burchell)Kuhns, Nick Calleri, Laura Brown, Kurt Hauf, Lisa(Clark)Young
Lori Swanson King
Daren Altieri with son Brent 14 and daughter Amanda16
Daren Altieri and Family
Tracy (Asher) Kent and Family
Laura (Rizzutti) Bergstrom and family 2011
Denise Honchar 2011
Denise Honchar 2011
Susan Shipe and family (without the hubby)
Susan Shipe loving life on her bike!!
Susan Shipe and her Daughter
Stan Carter
Stan Carter
Laura Brown, Ravena Blumara (Michele Blum), Karen (Gerwig) Stewart and Lisa (Clark) Young reunite
Ravena Blumara (Michele Blum) and Martha Brown
Ravena Blumara (Michele Blum) and Lisa (Clark) Young
Ravena Blumara (Michele Blum), David Sloper and Martha Brown
Ravena Blumara (Michele Blum), Monique T. Smith and Laura Brown
John Begeny and Ravena Blumara (Michele Blum)
Alex (Andria Slacum) Krieger and Ravena Blumara (Michele Blum)
Ravena Blumara (Michele Blum) and David Sloper
Ravena Blumara (Michele Blum) and Tim Lebling
Tim Lebling and David Sloper
Buck Gaither and Ravena Blumara (Michele Blum)
Christy (Hagan) Marciniak and Ravena Blumara (Michele Blum)
Ravena Blumara (Michele Blum), Laura Brown, Christy (Hagan) Marciniak and Alex (Andria Slacum) Krieger
Vikings getting their groove on at the 20 year reunion
Tracey (Burchell) Kuhns, Ravena Blumara (Michele Blum), Karen (Gerwig) Stewart, Alex (Andria Slacum) Krieger, Martha Brown and Laura Brown
Ravena Blumara (Michele Blum) and Mike Miller
End of the night group shot of the Class of 1986
Sherry DeHart hiking Mt. Timpanogos in Utah with Larry
Was this really a wise career choice? (Tim Lebling)
Aloha All! Sorry I can't make the party! Tell Mrs Sykes I still type with my palms on the desk! (Tim Lebling)
(Click on an image to view at full size.)